• 寄付する


  • 寄付する


  • 企業との連携


  • WELgeeメンバーになる




Refugee × Japanese Society
Transformative change yet to be seen ―

To refugees in Japan

who want to work and develop your career

For New-Comers, please read the below text first .
Please kindly refrain from visiting our office without an appointment. 
We are very sorry that we usually work remotely and no one might be there even if you visit our office.
Please communicate with us via Online form.

WELgee provides career development and job matching opportunities to you.
If you want to know what programs WELgee provide and how to join it , please click “Programs”.
If you want to join our program and build your career in Japan: please click “WELgee Talents”.





WELgee’s goal is to make a society where refugee are also welcomed.
WELgee is the combination of “welcome” and “refugee”.



A society where anyone can shape the future together 
regardless of one’s circumstances


We discover individual passions expand connections
and create triggers that make the future designable


  • Fairness



    Every one of us are treated equally.
    WELgee community is constructed with people with various status; WELgee staff, refugees, supporters. Aiming to develop trusteeship, even though each has a different status, we respect and value each others’ opinions equally when we have a discussion. We support our weaknesses in order to achieve our goals.

  • Backcasting


    Starting from a desirable future

    There are tons of things that are somehow good for society.
    We don’t jump at things that we currently have, We calculate backwards from the future we would like to have and make priority for what we should do now.

  • Diversity


    Taking advantage on diversity

    Diversity of people, backgrounds, and values are the WELgee’s and society’s property.
    We aim to fully show each members’ ability as a team.
    We will continue to be a team that can make diversity an advantage, rather than making decisions based on self-righteousness.

  • Communication


    We won’t give up on communicating

    We have different points of view because of different nationalities, cultures, backgrounds, sides, language, and values.
    Although we have differences, we don’t give up on communication.
    Don’t be afraid to tell. The most important thing is the attitude toward trying to communicate.

  • Total Effectiveness

    Total Effectiveness

    Thinking the most effective way as a whole

    As WELgee respect diversity, the amount of people, relationships, feelings, and thoughts of individual which is important to WELgee become more and more.
    People with full motivation come up with many ideas. Which is fantastic.
    However, as an “organization” we base our decisions on the greatest effect when considering the whole in order to achieve our ultimate vision.

  • Positiveness


    Don't be discouraged by the misery of the present.

    The refugee issue is the greatest challenge in human history. We closely work with refugees who escape from persecution, conflct, terror, discrimination and came to Japan for a hope. Thus, we need to stay positive.We have the power to generate madness and sadness into energy.
    Even when we hit huge walls, we are flexible and ready to take on the next challenge.

  • Innovators


    won’t be caught on existing method

    We stand upon pioneers' achievements. We respect those achievements and methods that pioneers had developed, but the same time we aim to not to be caught on those methods and bring new ways to achieve our goals. WELgee develop future from the networks we built and learn study cases around the world. WELgee will be a future change maker that always questioning “the normal”

  • Appreciation


    Always appreciate

    We always feel appreciation toward supporters who always cheer us up and support our activity from the start when we have nothing. There is no actor who is not involved. Our team developed because of all the support we had received. WELgee always feels appreciation for all the support. Of course, we will also keep this in mind among our members and make the workplace full of smiles.

  • "WITH" Spirit

    "WITH" Spirit

    Spirit of WITH

    WELgee’s activity aims for more than doing “For Refugees”, it’s doing “With Refugees”.WELgee started with “with refugees.”
    Refugees are our friends, we are beyond the relation of those who support and those who receive support. With our strength of various backgrounds and adverse passion, we bring innovation to society.

  • Critical Thinking

    Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking
    without subjectivity and assumption

    Until now, we made our principle in words.
    Thus, we won’t forget that we always view critically, objectively, and logically about ourselves. It isn’t easy to remove one's own subjectivity and assumption. We always ask ourselves to not be satisfied with the current situation, and come up with better solutions.


Refugees have various possibilities
inside themselves.
However, there is no environment for them
” to design their future” 
in Japan

Refugee in Japan

WELgee works with refugees in Japan. Those who have been forced to leave their homes due to fear of persecution or political unrest apply to the government for recognition as refugees after arriving in Japan.

Legal and social struggle of refugee applicants


Immidiately Arrived to Japan

Arrival to

2 months

Before getting work permission

2 to 8 months

After getting work permission

8 to 9 months

Survival Job

10 to 12 months

Unseen future

1 to 2 years

Legal Point

Legal advise for refugee application

No work permission

getting work permission

cannot expect when to get result

Food, clothing and shelter

No shelter to stay

No universal benefit plan from the governmenr

Survival job
job to survive

Continue survival
job。No hope for future

No hope for the future

Social Point

Cannot trust anyone

No friends
Social isolation

Social isolation

Social isolation
discrimination in their workplace

Social isolation
hard life

Talented people are not being utilized in Japan.

Every day new refugees arrive in Japan. They were living their normal daily lives in their home countries, just a few days before coming to Japan.

They dreamed about becoming an IT engineer, a journalist with a strong sense of justice, and a kind pastor.Each had their dream and some succeeded in their life, until they became a refugee.

Each refugees has unique individualities and talents with diverse skills and experiences.It would be a really shame if their unique talents are not utilized in Japan.


RefugeeJapanese Society=?

RefugeeJapanese Society



WELgee are working to create a society in which refugees can design their future, and also to create partnerships between Japanese people, Japanese society and refugees.

  • 育成事業

    Training Program

    WELgee provides opportunities to develop skill and career based on each person’s motivation, characteristics, goals, and demands.

  • 就労伴走事業

    Carrer program

    WELgee will match the strengths of the human resources brought out by implementing the three consistent accompaniment processes of "training, recruiting, and retention" with the companies. WELgee calls this program “WELgee Talents.”

  • 共創事業

    Co-Creation Program

    Through this program, refugee applicants will participate in corporate social training programs as instructors, contributing to the promotion of internal awareness, activation of leadership, and understanding of SDGs and diversity and inclusion.

Our Activities in Numbers

  • 37people

    Number of employed in jobs
    that utilize their expertise

  • 13people

    Change of
    Visa statue

Refugee’s Voice

  • “Dream came true” 夢がかなったよ

    “Dream came true”

    Mr. M

    “Dream came true”

    When I made the decision to flee from my country, I literally thought it was all over.
    But WELgee again reminded me that I have the strength and motivation to believe in myself and redefine my goals in life.

    M さんDemocratic Republic of the Congo

  • You have given my life a new meaning


    You have given my life a new meaning

    You guys are a young team that is transforming the lives of people. My own life is also a testimony of the kind of work you do. I’m living my dream because a set of young people decided to change the world. You have given my life a new meaning, a new direction, which I longed for, for a long time.



  •  INCO Woman entrepreneur of the year Award 2018 winner

  •  Forbes JAPAN 30under30 Social Entreprenure

  •  Forbes ASIA 30under30 Social Entreprenure

  •  WIRED Audi INNOVATION AWARD 2019 Social Activity


Name of Organization Non Profit Organization WELgee
Establishment 6th of Feburary 2018
Address 〒150-6027
Digisearch and Advertising.inc 「COEBI」, Ebisu , Yebisu Garden Place Tower, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-6027, Japan
Board member

Representative Watanabe Kankolongo Sayaka
Board Member Nana Yamamoto

Board Member Saki Watanabe

Board Member Yota Anzai

Auditor Toju Toshiaki
Auditor Cheko Inoue

staff Full-time staff 6 people Part-time staff 4 people


  • 渡部 カンコロンゴ 清花

    Watanabe Kankolongo Sayaka


In 2016, WELgee started its activity when we encountered “Refugees” in Tokyo, who are our good friends.
We aim to make a society that has the capacity of welcoming refugees.

As you can assume, WELgee is the word we made up by combining “welcome” and “refugee.”

We started our activity by encouraging “Refugees” to be exposed to Japanese society as individuals. Many people who shared the same vision became our friends and supporters, which is the foundation of WELgee.

Refugees are people who have studied and worked in their home countries. Some of them will be the future builders of their society. However, they are forced to leave their home countries and happen to arrive to Japan by coincidence.

I am a fan of people who look into the future, who have overcome the difficult situation and background of being a refugee. Even though they are the same generation as myself, they have come to Japan with any alternative. But still, they have a strong will to create a future of their desire.

They have touched my soul with their courage and dreams, and I am one of the Japanese who strongly desire to accomplish something together with them. I would like to create a society that will allow these young people to regain hope and make choices for their future. I am confident that with them, we will be able to make a colorful world.

I'd like yuo to ask one thing.
Why don't we create the society where anyone can make a progress regardless of their nationalies?
